Zumba Toning® differs from Zumba® due to the use of Toning Sticks. These are light weighted sticks that encourage conscious muscle contractions to work and tone all the muscle groups for a full body workout. We also have a lower body isolation track that is performed without the Toning Sticks.
Zumba Toning® is lower impact than Zumba®, which some people may find more suitable.
ZUMBA® Toning Classes
At South Hornchurch Community Hall
Thursday 6.50-7.35pm
£6.50 per class
You will need either Zumba® toning sticks or dumbbells.
Zumba Toning sticks are available on eBay. If purchasing a pair, please get a green pair.
Weights should be 2kg maximum, but it is recommended that you use 1kg or less.
I have spare toning sticks for those attending South Hornchurch and should you decide after a couple of sessions that you wish to continue, you can then purchase a pair of your own.